"Automotive Power Battery Industry Specification Conditions" has been solicited for comments

China Business Intelligence Network News, in order to implement the "Notice of the State Council on Printing and Distributing the Development Plan for Energy-saving and New Energy Automobile Industry (2012-2020)" (Guo Fa [2012] No. 22), and the "General Office of the State Council on Accelerating the Promotion of New Energy Vehicles" "Guiding Opinions on Application" (Guobanfa [2014] No. 35), in accordance with the requirements of the research and establishment of vehicle power battery access management regulations, in March 2015, the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology formulated and issued the "Automotive Power Battery Industry Standard Conditions" . According to the development of power batteries and the needs of the new energy vehicle market, the "Regulations for the Automotive Power Battery Industry" (2017) (Draft for Solicitation of Comments) has been formed, which is now publicly soliciting public opinions.

Automotive power battery industry standard conditions (2017)

1. General

(1) In order to implement the "Notice of the State Council on Printing and Distributing the Development Plan for Energy-saving and New Energy Automobile Industry (2012-2020)" (Guo Fa [2012] No. 22), according to the "General Office of the State Council on Accelerating the Promotion and Application of New Energy Vehicles The “Guiding Opinions” (Guobanfa [2014] No. 35) requires to guide and regulate the healthy development of the automotive power battery industry and formulate the conditions of this specification.

(2) The state supports automobile power battery companies to become better and stronger. Based on the safety of enterprise production and product application, guide companies to establish product production specifications and quality assurance systems, encourage the strengthening of technology and management innovation, and improve product R&D and manufacturing levels. Product performance and quality meet the needs of the development of the new energy automobile industry.

(3) The state implements announcement management for automobile power battery enterprises that meet the requirements of this specification, and enterprises apply on a voluntary basis.

(4) The conditions of this specification are applicable to power battery manufacturers that produce and support automotive products within the territory of the People's Republic of China (excluding Taiwan, Hong Kong, and Macau).

The power battery referred to in the conditions of this specification refers to the device that is configured and used on the car, can store electric energy and can be recharged, and provide energy for driving the car, including lithium ion power battery, metal hydride nickel power battery and super capacitor, etc. , Does not include lead-acid batteries.

The power battery production enterprises referred to in the conditions of this specification include power battery monomer production enterprises (hereinafter referred to as monomer enterprises) and power battery system production enterprises (hereinafter referred to as system enterprises).

2. The basic requirements of the enterprise

(5) Established in accordance with national laws and regulations, in line with the requirements of the automobile industry development policy, with independent legal personality, and obtaining the business license of enterprise legal person issued by the administrative department for industry and commerce.

(6) Comply with national laws and regulations on production safety, environmental protection, energy conservation, fire protection, etc., have established safety production, environmental protection plan mechanisms and energy conservation management systems, and pass environmental management, occupational health, and safety production. Appraisal or certification approval, and a complete fire safety monitoring and disposal system.

(7) Having the legal land use right of the production site, the area of production land and factory buildings shall be compatible with the product variety and scale of the enterprise.

(8) The annual production capacity of lithium-ion power battery monomer enterprises is not less than 8 billion watt-hours, the annual production capacity of metal hydride nickel power battery monomer enterprises is not less than 100 million watt-hours, and the annual output capacity of supercapacitor monomer enterprises is not less than Less than 10 million watt-hours. The annual production capacity of the system enterprise is not less than 80,000 sets or 4 billion watt-hours. Companies that produce multiple types of power battery monomers and system companies must meet the above requirements for their annual production capacity.

(9) Enterprises should formulate and implement enterprise standards not lower than national or industry standards in terms of safety, consistency, and cycle life of power battery products.

(10) The enterprise has not had any major safety accidents in production, operation and product application in the past two years.

3. Requirements for production conditions

(11) The enterprise shall have production equipment, facilities and ownership that are compatible with the variety and scale of the products to be produced.

Monomer companies should have production equipment and facilities for electrode preparation, cell assembly, and chemical conversion, as well as production environment monitoring systems and corresponding equipment and facilities for real-time monitoring of the temperature, humidity, and cleanliness of the production workshop.

The system enterprise should have a power battery system assembly line suitable for mass production.

(12) A monomer enterprise should at least have automated production capabilities and online inspection capabilities for key technological processes such as electrode preparation, lamination/winding, assembly, liquid injection, chemical conversion/volume separation, and so on.

System companies should at least have the ability to automate production and online testing of key processes such as battery cell or module testing, welding or connection, assembly, and offline testing.

(13) Enterprises should have standardized technological processes, and establish a complete monitoring system from raw materials, semi-finished products, production process process parameters, and product delivery, and have the ability to ensure product consistency such as precise process control.

(14) Enterprises should monitor and control the waste water and waste gas generated during the production process, and supervise and manage the disposal and recycling of waste materials. All types of emissions should meet the requirements of national and industry standards and relevant laws and regulations such as GB30484 "Emission Standards for Pollutants from the Battery Industry".

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